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Card game 29/Marrige

Developer: Unknown
Publisher: India
Player: 2/4
Download link: Click here
Usually played 29 with four players in fixed partnerships, partners facing each other. The use of a package of 32 cards, 52 card standard to play. There are eight cards in each of the cases, the usual "French": hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades. Cards in each suit rank from highest to lowest: J - 9 - A - 10 - KQ - 8 to 7. Game goal is to win tricks containing valuable cards.
The total number of points in the deck is 28, hence the name of the game.
Card values ​​are:

Jacks = 3 points each
Nines = 2 points each
Aces = 1 point each
Tens = 1 point each
Other cards = (K, Q, 8, 7) no points

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